La Croix Rouge

Web Desktop & Mobile


2 months


La Croix Rouge is the French arm of the world-renowned humanitarian association. They prioritize their ability to respond quickly to emergencies, which is why the rapid and efficient deployment of resources (operational, human and financial) is one of the most critical aspects of their work. Then the coronavirus arrived…

The situation created gives a different approach to the normal context in which La Croix Rouge operates. Usually, the organization plans resources well in advance around the many events that normally take place in a country – concerts, sporting events, events, local initiatives, etc. The organization is managed with a comfortable time frame, opportunities, specific needs and decisions can be made relatively easily.

However, the coronavirus ended the luxury of notice. La Croix Rouge Paris realized that they needed a tool to help them organize and plan in a very short time. All this has allowed the creation of a daily management tool of the human means fluid and constantly changing image of the displacement and mutations of the coronavirus.

Collaboration with:
  • Back Front-end dev
  • UI designers


Resop is a customizable tool to manage, plan and project human and operational resources in a crisis context. Its objective is to identify the availability of volunteers in order to know as precisely as possible the resources to be solicited and to have visibility on the commitments to be made.

My role ?

Facilitate access to information, readability and rapid understanding of availability schedules, both from the volunteer’s perspective and structures.

In Paris, the Red Cross is organized around 18 local structures (Local Units or UL) bringing together a total of more X volunteers and vehicles, each with its own skills and characteristics.

To rapidly and comprehensively implement its response to the crisis, The French Red Cross of Paris uses Resop which gives the necessary visibility on the teams of volunteers and operational resources that can be mobilized within all Local Units.

At present, more than 700 volunteers with various skills inform their availabilities in the tool. Resop makes possible the daily assignment of more than 120 responders on relief missions (SAMU reinforcements, medical trains, etc.) or in support of the population (Red Cross at home, maraudes, etc.).


For volunteers:

Create a detailed profile of their skills and availability. Fill in their availability over a period of one month.

For coordinators:

Automatically assign resources to missions based on needs (participants and operational resources, required skills) commitments and resource availability.


On this interface, it was necessary and more functional to display a summary of the availability of volunteers. This allows to give a real function to this page, to check at a glance its schedule of the current week and next week and to reduce the number of clicks. A projection over 1 month is therefore possible thanks to the addition of availability management over the next 4 weeks.


User Home page — Before


User Home page — After



Adapted to volunteers on the move, Resop also takes into account the movements of these users.


For a structure, the interface must present an overview of the availability, reservations and missions of these volunteers. The UI has been designed to be compact, schematic and captioned to ensure the widest possible display.
A structure can accommodate more than 100 people, making it easier for everyone to read and understand their information.

Structure Home page — Before

Structure Home page — After



The Red Cross Structure users do not need a mobile version because the administrative teams are on workstations on their premises.


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